After a successful inaugural year, we're back with just a few changes!
First, we caught a lot of flak, I mean a lot of flak, from people upset that we were running a CX race in Summer. Whatever their reasons or the legitimacy of their claims, we totally understand their concerns. We like bike racing and want you to race wherever/whenever you can. So we moved it to September. Note that it's after Labor Day, so white kit will be out of season.
Second, we moved the location. The old location was great and the Park District were great working with us. However, a lot of things happened at the last minute, forcing major course changes and those restrictions are still in place. The new location, however, is straight-up dope! We've got the use of a large shelter where you can camp out and chill, plus the terrain promises to be something special. You're gonna love it.
Finally... well, we can't tell you that stuff yet. It's cool, though.